Supplier Screening

Have you found a supplier and want to assess if their products are compliant? When you order a supplier screening, we will reach out to your supplier to request and verify their test reports and other documentation.

In the end, you will receive a report explaining whether the supplier’s test reports are relevant or not. We also take a look at their company registration documentation, bank account information, ISO, BSCI and other documents.

Order Supplier Screening ($299)

View Report Template


You will receive the supplier report within 7 – 10 days in most cases. This is included:

  • Company registration document
  • Bank account details
  • Verified lab test reports
  • Verified product compliance documents
  • Interview questions
  • File attachment
  • Assessment

Interview questions

We have a list of product and industry specific questions we ask to suppliers in order to determine if they are confident in their ability to manufacture compliant products.


You will get access to all lab test reports and other compliance documents we gather during the process.


What kind of information do you need from us?

We need this information before we can get started:

  • Supplier company name
  • Contact details
  • Product model/SKU
  • Destination
  • Required compliance documents (if any)

Can we use this service if we intend to get custom designed products made?

Yes. In these cases we primarily focus on assessing the suppliers product compliance track record. In order to do so we need to verify test reports and ask certain questions – which can help you understand if they have experience manufacturing compliant and safe products.

Can we use this service if we intend to buy factory designed products?

Yes, in these situations we need to know the specific product model/SKU that you intend to buy. We will then primarily focus on verifying lab test reports and product compliance documents valid for the relevant product model/SKU.

How do you verify if the test reports are authentic?

We contact the issuing companies to request verification.

Why do you check the company registration document and bank account details?

We need to compare this information to the company name specified in the test report and other documents.

How long does the process take?

Normally 7 to 10 days, but it can take longer in these scenarios:

  • Supplier delay the document submission
  • Testing companies delay the document verification
  • Public holidays in Hong Kong S.A.R

Do you ‘approve’ suppliers?

No, we never “approve” a supplier. We only comment on the status of the documents and how we perceive the risk level. The report is not a warranty or insurance policy against supplier and product compliance related issues that may occur at a later stage.

Further, we cannot always tell if the documents we receive are sufficient to reach all compliance requirements that apply to a certain product.

What happens if the check ‘fails’?

Then you will need to discuss your next steps directly with the supplier. We only report our findings.

What happens after the report is delivered?

We do not provide additional support or project management once the report is delivered. You can request clarifications related to the report, but you must manage the process directly with the suppliers once our involvement ends.

Terms of Service

You can read our full Terms of Service on this page.