Singapore Product Labeling Requirements: An Overview

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Textile label

Planning to import or sell products in Singapore? In this guide, we cover labeling requirements for a wide array of consumer products. This includes clothing and textiles labels, children’s product labels, electronics labels, furniture labels, and more.


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Clothing & Textiles Labeling

The Consumer Protection (CGSR) Regulations aim at protecting users from unsafe general consumer goods, which include clothing and textiles products. You can read more about the regulation on this website.

The CGSR does not set out specific labeling requirements for clothing and textiles products. However, products that fall under the scope of the regulations must comply with applicable international safety standards such as:

  • EN standards
  • IEC standards
  • ISO standards
  • ASTM standards

This means that, if an applicable standard sets labeling requirements for clothing or textile products, then the products must comply with it.

Product Safety Standards Examples

Here we list some examples of relevant standards for clothing:

a. ASTM D5489 – Standard Guide for Care Symbols for Care Instructions

b. ASTM D6240 / D6240M – Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Mature Men

c. ISO 3758 – Textiles Care Labeling Code Using Symbols

Other Information

Besides stating that there are no specific clothing labeling regulations in Singapore, the US’s Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) states that the labels of imported clothes usually include the following information:

  • Country of Origin
  • Material content
  • Care instructions
  • Size

In order to ensure product traceability, it is also important to add information such as the following to the product’s label:

  • Brand or Trade name of the importer or manufacturer
  • Address of the importer or manufacturer
  • Contact information of the importer or manufacturer
  • Product SKU and Batch ID

This allows authorities, marketplaces, and consumers to contact the importer or manufacturer, for example in the case of defective or dangerous goods that have been placed into the market.

Children’s Products Labeling

The CGSR also covers children’s products such as childcare articles and toys. Although the CGSR doesn’t explicitly specify labeling requirements for children’s products, it states that importers and manufacturers should follow the applicable international standards, in order to ensure the safety of the products.

Warning labels

Besides sizes, care instructions, and similar information, EN or ASTM standards might also specify warnings against specific hazards. Warning labels play a key role in improving product safety and might include information on how to avoid hazards such as:

  • Choking hazards
  • Suffocation hazards
  • Chemical hazards

Here you find a list of children’s products that were deemed unsafe by the Singaporean authorities. For many of these products, the safety concerns were related to non-compliant labeling, such as:

a. Instructions and warnings provided were not in accordance to the requirements (e.g. content, format, language)

b. Warning label detached from the baby carrier during testing

c. The product and its packaging do not have information provided in official language – English

Product Safety Standards Examples

International standards that are relevant for specific categories of children’s products often also cover labeling and warning requirements. Here some examples of such standards:

a. ASTM F963 – Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety

b. ASTM F1816-97 – Standard Safety Specification for Drawstrings on Children’s Upper Outerwear

c. EN 71-1: Mechanical and Physical Properties – Safety Requirements for Toys

d. EN ISO 12312 – Children’s Sunglasses

Traceability Information

Even though traceability information is not explicitely required, it might be important to add it into your product’s label in order to allow authorities and consumer to contact you, especially in the case of unsafe products that were placed in the market. Tracebility information might include:

  • Brand or Trade name of the importer or manufacturer
  • Address of the importer or manufacturer
  • Contact information of the importer or manufacturer
  • Product SKU or Batch ID

Electronics Labeling

According to the type of electronics, different labeling requirements might apply. Below follows an overview of different electronics labels.


The CGSR regulates most electronic consumer products to be sold on the Singapore market – excluding some categories of household appliances that are regulated by the Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations (CPSR), as we explain in the next section.

Electronics products regulated by the CGSR must comply with relevant international standards, including labeling and warning requirements.

This aspect is taken seriously by the authorities, as you can see by browsing the list of recalled products provided by the Consumer Products Safety Office. By looking at the comments provided for recalled products, it is not uncommon to find the following statement:

The product or its packaging does not provide product information and safety instructions

Here you find some specific examples concerning power banks.


There are 33 categories of household products that are classified as Controlled Goods, and require registration and testing in accordance with specific safety standards. Also, importers or manufacturers must affix the SAFETY Mark before placing the products in the Singaporean market.

Importers and manufacturers should refer to the controlled goods list on the government official website to determine whether they need to register with CPSR. Here are some examples of covered products:

  • Table lamp
  • AC adaptors
  • Decorative lighting chain
  • Haircare appliances

The SAFETY mark consists of a “safety logo”, the words “SAFETY Mark” and a unique 8-digit certification number. Note that the SAFETY Mark shall have a height of at least 6.0 mm, while the certification number shall have a height of at least 1.6 mm. Any SAFETY Mark with a smaller dimension must be approved by the Safety Authority.

Importers and manufacturers can follow the SAFETY mark guidelines to understand the requirements and procedures.

IMDA Compliance Label

The IMDA compliance label is required for telecommunication equipment such as cellphones, radios, or routers. Covered devices must comply with IMDA standards and affix the label on the surface. Here are some examples of covered products:

  • Radio devices
  • Cellphones
  • Bluetooth speakers
  • Computer laptops

The label consists of a statement of compliance with applicable IMDA standards, and the dealer’s license number. Here is an example:

Complies with
IMDA Standards AB123467
[ Dealer’s License No.]

In addition, the label must have the following dimensions: 17 mm by 9 mm, as explained on the official website.

Traceability Information

In general, it is beneficial to include the followings information on the electronic products’ label, even not mentioned by specific standards, in order to guarantee the product’s traceability:

  • Brand or Trade name of the importer or manufacturer
  • Address of the importer or manufacturer
  • Contact information of the importer or manufacturer
  • Product SKU or Batch ID

Home Furniture Labeling

The CGSR specifies that furniture, mattress, and bedding must include sufficient warnings or other relevant information to consumers, according to relevant international standards.

Product Safety Standards Examples

Here are some applicable international standards that cover furniture’s labeling and warnings:

a. ISO 9221 – Children’s high chair

b. ISO 7175 – Children’s cots and folding cots for domestic use

c. ASTM F1427 – Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Bunk Beds

d. ASTM F1912 – Standard Specification for Safety of Bean Bag Chairs and Bean Bag Covers

Other Information

Here some examples of other relevant labeling information:

  • Brand or Trade name of the importer or manufacturer
  • Address of the importer or manufacturer
  • Contact information of the importer or manufacturer
  • Product SKU or Batch ID
  • Material/Fiber content (if applicable)

Food Contact Products Labeling

The Sale of Food Act covers food contact products such as water bottles and food containers in Singapore. The Act requires that importers and manufacturers must ensure product safety.

The Sale of Food Act does not specify labeling requirements for food contact products, however, authorities reserve the right to recall unsafe products or products for which the label contains misleading information.

Importers and manufacturers can follow international labeling guidelines such as ones provided by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which include the following:

a. The words “for food contact” or its symbol

b. Special instruction for safe and appropriate use

c. Traceability information such as batch ID, name, address, and contact information of the importer or the manufacturer

Finally, always according to the ASEAN guidelines, the label should be conspicuous and clearly legible.


Cosmetic products such as skin care, lipsticks, and other personal care are covered by the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive in Singapore since 2008.

Appendix II of the directive provides detailed labeling guidelines, including the following:

  • The name of the product and its function
  • Instructions on the use of the product
  • Full ingredient listing in descending order of weight
  • Country of manufacture
  • The contact of the company or responsible person
  • Expiry date of the product
  • Special precaution if applicable

Medical Devices

Medical devices are covered by the Health Product (Medical Devices) Regulation in Singapore. The regulation specifies the importer license, device registration, authority notification, and labeling requirements of medical devices.

Here we list some information that importers and manufacturers should include on the medical device label:

  • Registration number
  • Importer’s license number (if applicable)
  • User instructions (if applicable)
  • Supplier’s contact and name details
  • Trade or brand name
  • Batch number or code
  • Expiry date or shelf life
  • Warnings or precaution (if applicable)

All numbers, letters, and symbols used to provide any information on the label of a medical device should be legible, permanently affixed, and prominent in color, size, and positioning.


The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) provides guidelines on food labeling, including general labeling requirements and additional labeling requirements.

In general, all prepacked food products must comply with the general labeling requirement. Certain food products, for example, nutrition or health purpose foods should comply with additional labeling, according to the product type.

General labeling requirements

Importers or manufacturers must include the following information:

  • Name or description of the food
  • Statement of ingredients
  • Net quantity of food in the package
  • Contact details of the supplier
  • Country of origin

For certain categories of food products such as eggs, fish, or milk, importers or manufacturers must include a statement, such as the following examples:

a. This group includes eggs from laying hens as well as eggs from duck, turkey, quail, goose, gull, guinea fowl, and their products.

b. This group also includes mollusks such as oysters, clams, scallops, and their products.

c. This group includes milk from cows, buffaloes, or goats and their products.

Addition labeling requirements

Specific labeling requirements might apply depending on different types of food. Here we list some examples of additional label requirements:

  • Serving suggestions
  • Nutrition labeling
  • Advisory statements
  • Date-marking of expiry date

For instance, foods for which importers or manufacturers claim to be the source of protein must include an acceptable nutrition information panel. You can find more information on the food labeling guidelines provided in the SFA’s website.


Does Singapore require country of origin labeling?

The CGSR, which covers most consumer products manufactured or imported in Singapore, doesn’t mention any Country of Origin requirements. However, regulations for specific categories of products might still require such information. For example, the Country of Origin label is mandatory for certain products including food, liquors, and paints.

Note that declaring a false Country of Origin, either on the labeling, in the instructions or marketing material, is illegal, as specified on the Singapore Customs website.

Is the CE mark accepted in Singapore?

CE marking is only mandatory if you wish to import or manufacture products in the EU.

In addition, there are some marking schemes in Singapore that might include requirements that are not covered by CE directives, for example, the SAFETY Mark. Therefore, importers and manufacturers should comply with the requirements in Singapore and do not expect that CE-marked products are accepted in the country by default.

Is the WEEE symbol accepted in Singapore?

Under the EU RoHS Directive, the WEEE symbol is used to indicate that electronic and electrical products should not be discarded as unsorted waste, and must be cycled or collected to separate facilities.

Singapore has developed its own ecological directive for electronics, the SG-RoHS, which is adapted from the EU RoHS Directive.

Even though the RoHS regulation enforced in Singapore doesn’t require the WEEE symbol, the list of substances regulated by the SG-RoHS is a subset of the substances regulated by the EU RoHS Directive:

  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Cadmium
  • Hexavalent Chromium
  • Polybrominated Biphenyls
  • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers

Thus, if your product complies with the EU RoHS, which is more restrictive, you could still add the WEEE symbol.

Is the FCC Mark accepted in Singapore?

FCC compliance is generally mandatory for electronic products to be sold in the US.

That said, the FCC mark does not necessarily imply compliance with electromagnetic compatibility requirements in Singapore, such as the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA).

  • (USA & EU)


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    Disclaimer: The Site cannot and does not contain legal advice. The legal information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. We do not provide any kind of legal advice. THE USE OR RELIANCE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.

    Full Disclaimer: Link

    Sources: Our articles are written in part based on publicly available information, and our own practical experience relating to product compliance. These are some of the primary sources we use:

    • European Commission -
    • EUR-Lex -
    • European Chemicals Agency -
    • eCFR -
    • U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission -
    • U.S. Federal Trade Commission -
    • U.S. Federal Communications Commission -
    • GOV.UK
  • 2 Responses to “Singapore Product Labeling Requirements: An Overview

    1. Anna Lysenko at 1:23 pm


      If my products are imported from Germany and my target group are german expats in Singapore, do i still require to translate the products original labels into English? This seems to be the general rule, however makes no sense for me as my target group are German speakers, who prefer to read German labels rather than English.
      Looking forward to your reply.
      Warm regards,
      Anna Lysenko

      1. Fredrik Gronkvist at 3:27 pm

        Hi Anna,

        I don’t think that will make the products exempt from labelling requirements in Singapore. Likewise, a product sold in Germany must comply with German/EU labelling requirements even if the intended consumer group is a particular foreign nationality.

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