List of Product Liability Insurance Companies in the European Union

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Manufacturers and importers selling products in the European Union are ultimately responsible for product safety and compliance. However, product safety issues can be caused by unforeseen manufacturing defects or supply chain-related issues.

In short, importers and manufacturers cannot completely eliminate the risk of safety and compliance issues, which could result in personal injury or property damage.

Should the worst happen, product liability insurance can cover some of the costs involved. In this guide, we list some of the EU’s leading product liability insurance providers, located in Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, and other countries in the EU.

Is product liability insurance required in the European Union?

Product liability insurance is generally voluntary. However, many retailers require that their suppliers, including European brands and importers, have product liability insurance coverage. Further, Amazon also requires sellers that reach a certain sales threshold to obtain product liability insurance.

Types of insurance providers in the European Union

Product Liability Insurance Companies

An insurance company sells insurance policies directly to the buyers. Some insurance companies also partner with brokers or agencies to sell their products. Insurance brokers or agencies market the policies issued by insurance companies. They may also offer additional services such as price comparison, consulting, or representation during a claim.

Not every insurance company offers product liability insurance. The types and coverage of product liability insurance are also different, depending on the terms specified in each policy.

Product Liability Insurance Brokers

An insurance broker is a company that represents the insurance companies to sell their insurance products. A broker helps buyers find suitable insurance products according to their needs and charges clients a commission or handling fee afterwards.


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AIG Belgium

AIG is a global insurance company whose history dates back to 1919 in Shanghai. AIG started operations in Belgium in 1948, specialising in offering insurance solutions to solving classic industry risks such as product liability, general liability, and property liability.

With a worldwide network that reaches around 70 countries, AIG Belgium handles international programs and complex risks and provides adequate insurance solutions for big corporations and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) under their Multinational Solution.

The solutions include risk consultant assistance, US and Canada export coverage, incidental professional liability coverage, and more. The minimum premium for product liability insurance starts from 7,500 euros.

Insurance Scope

  • Recall costs coverage
  • Installation and expansion costs coverage
  • Immaterial damage coverage
  • US and Canada export coverage

Type: Insurance company (Verzekeringsbedrijf)

Address: Pleinlaan 11 / Boulevard de la Plaine 11, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

European Union Product Liability Insurance

Heuser & Schröder Versicherungen

Heuser & Schröder Versicherungen GmbH was founded in 2014 as a broker agency providing tailor-made insurance solutions to companies, self-employed persons, and private clients. Heuser & Schröder mainly provides insurance services to clients from Benelux countries, Germany and Austria.

The insurance scope covers liability, property damage risks, technical risks, transport insurance, cross-border commuters, and more. The insurance protects the business from a wide spectrum of liability risks, including product liability, public liability, liability after delivery, professional indemnity, and organisation liability.

The company also works with tax consultants, financial experts, and social secretariats on behalf of small and large companies.

Type: Insurance broker (Verzekeringsagent)

Address: Paveestraße 7, 4700 Eupen, Belgium

Vanbreda Risk & Benefits

Vanbreda Risk & Benefits was founded in 1937 in Antwerp, Belgium. Today, they are a leading insurance broker providing insurance solutions to national firms, public and social institutions, and SMEs from Benelux countries. The company protects their clients from various forms of liability, including civil liability, and professional liability.

The liability package offered by Vanbreda Risk & Benefits covers compensation for damage caused to third parties due to a defective product, and other issues.

Insurance Scope

  • Damage caused by defective product coverage
  • Legal costs and damages coverage

Type: Insurance broker (Verzekeringsagent)

Address: Plantin en Moretuslei 297, Antwerp, 2140, Belgium


If Skadeförsäkring AB

If Skadeförsäkring AB is a Swedish insurance company that operates in Denmark. The company’s product liability insurance covers the compensation claims that manufacturers, importers or exporters may incur if their products cause injuries or damages.

If Skadeförsäkring AB’s Liability Package includes product liability insurance, which protects companies from unjustified claims from third parties. The insurance also covers damages due to defects in the companies’ products.

Insurance Scope

  • Compensation to third-party’s injury or damage caused by defective product coverage
  • Legal assistance in connection with injury coverage
  • Compensation that may be agreed upon or awarded by the court coverage
  • Assistance in defending the company if unjustified compensation is claimed

Type: Insurance company (Forsikringsselskab)

Address: Stamholmen 159, DK-2650 Hvidovre, Denmark


QBE is a listed insurance company from Australia. The company currently operates in 27 countries worldwide, employing more than 12,000 staff. QBE started their business in Denmark in 2006, providing hundreds of speciality products and the capacity to cover most business risks, including product liability.

The product liability insurance of QBE provides financial protection to clients from paying for damages resulting from personal injury or property damage due to defective products. They also covers legal liability compensation for third-party personal injury or property damage relating to the insured business.

Insurance Scope

  • Claims for damages resulting from personal injury or property damage coverage
  • Defence costs coverage

Type: Insurance company (Forsikringsselskab)

Address: Nørre Søgade 35, 1370 Copenhagen K, Denmark



Aon is a leading British insurance company that sells a range of financial risk-mitigation products, including insurance, pension administration, and health insurance plans. The company has around 50,000 employees in 120 countries.

In France, Aon offers consultation services on product liability insurance, helping clients identify, list, and evaluate their liability risks.

Insurance Scope

  • Financial loss and reputational damage coverage
  • Legal cost coverage
  • Additional claims cost coverage

Type: Insurance company (Compagnie d’assurance)

Address: 28 allee de Bellevue, Angoulême, Charente 16918, France

Add Value Assurance

Add Value Assurance is an insurance brokerage firm started in 2013 in Puteaux, France. The company specialises in offering insurance solutions to product manufacturers, distributors, physical stores, or online sellers.

The minimum insured amount for product liability insurance offered by Add Value Assurance is 300,000 Euro per insurance year. The policy covers defence costs and any damages resulting from a claim for products sold or delivered by the company.

Insurance Scope

  • Company communication costs coverage
  • Legal defence cost coverage
  • Damages to be paid in the event of a conviction coverage

Type: Insurance broker (Courtier d’assurance)

Address: 1 Avenue Du General De Gaulle, Puteaux, 92800, France


Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS)

Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) is a leading corporate insurance company and represents a key business unit of Allianz Group in Germany. The company provides risk consultancy and product liability insurance solutions for a wide spectrum of corporates across 10 dedicated lines of business.

Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) protects corporate businesses against claims arising from liability and provides tailored solutions for managing risks, covering personal or bodily injury, property damage, or financial loss.

Product Categories

Insurance Scope

  • Third-party injury or damage caused by defective product coverage
  • Financial loss and damage coverage

Type: Insurance company (Versicherungsunternehmen)

Address: Dieselstraße 8, Unterföhring, Munich, Bavaria 85774, Germany

The Gothaer Group

The Gothaer Group was founded in 1820 in Germany and is now one of the largest insurance companies in Europe. Gothaer’s product liability insurance protects manufacturers and dealers from claims for damages by third parties in accordance with the Product Liability Act of Germany, which may find manufacturers liable for claimants’ losses in various situations.

According to the information on Gothaer’s official website, the cost of product liability insurance depends on the insurance or combination of insurances, you have chosen, as well as factors such as company size.

Insurance Scope

  • Personal injury coverage
  • Property damage due to defective products compensation coverage
  • Defence against claims that are unfounded
  • Costs incurred in processing defective products
  • Costs for removing defective products
  • Costs for installing defect-free products

Type: Insurance company (Versicherungsunternehmen)

Address: Gothaer Allee 1, 50969, Köln, Germany


Founded in 1899, Pantaenius is an independent insurance brokerage company headquartered in Hamburg, with offices in Kiel, Dusseldorf, Eisenach, and Munich.

Pantaenius specialises in providing product liability insurance solutions for small and medium-sized companies, including manufacturers and importers of goods from non-EU countries. Currently, over 450 product agents in Pantaenius manage around 5,000 medium-sized companies.

Other liability packages include general business liability insurance, environmental liability insurance, and recall insurance.

Insurance Scope

  • Personal injury claim coverage
  • Financial loss coverage
  • Property damage coverage

Type: Insurance broker (Versicherungsmakler)

Address: Grosser Grasbrook 10, 20475 Hamburg, Germany


Morgan & Morgan

Founded in 1991, Morgan & Morgan is an insurance broker that provides a broad range of insurance solutions to companies, professionals, and public bodies in Italy.

The product liability policy of Morgan & Morgan aims at manufacturers, importers, and providers of goods and services in the European Union. The insured company can also choose additional protection for their business by adding terms that cover the compensation of damage caused by malicious or accidental contamination of the product, product disposal, and lost business volumes.

Product Categories

  • Cosmetics
  • Food and beverage
  • Pharmaceutical products

Insurance Scope

  • Damage for death coverage
  • Personal injury to third parties coverage
  • Damage to property and materials of third parties’ coverage
  • Damage resulting from interruption or suspension of activities coverage
  • Withdrawal and seizure of product coverage
  • Product replacement costs coverage

Type: Insurance broker (Broker assicurativo)

Address: Viale Carducci, 4, 31015 Conegliano, Treviso, Italy

Howden S.p.A.

Founded in 2015, Howden S.p.A., previously known as “Assiteca”, is a publicly listed independent insurance broker in Italy. The company has branch offices in more than 10 cities in Italy, including Rome, Milan, Cagliari, Genova, Catania, and Verona.

Howden S.p.A.’s services include insurance consultancy, broking services, and technical analysis of corporate risks. They provide product liability insurance that covers compensation for bodily damage to third parties, material damage to things caused by a defective product, and the cost to repair and replace the goods.

In addition, the company also provides information and instructions to educate the insured on the articles and policies according to the Consumer Code, Legislative Decree 206/2005 of Italy.

Insurance Scope

  • Bodily damage to third-party coverage
  • Material damage caused by the defective product coverage
  • Defective products market withdrawal cost coverage
  • Disassembly and reassembly cost coverage

Type: Insurance broker (Broker assicurativo)

Address: Palazzo Assiteca, Via G. Sigieri, 14, 20135 Milano, Italy


Maher & Richardson

Established in 1967, Maher & Richardson is a family-run insurance brokerage firm specialising in offering liability insurance, commercial insurance, and business insurance. Maher & Richardson partners with dozens of product insurance companies to provide their liability insurance policies, including:

  • ARB Underwriting (Ireland)
  • AXA Insurance (France)
  • Aviva Insurance (United Kingdom)
  • AIG Insurance (United States)
  • Allianz Insurance (Germany)

The categories of liability insurance of Maher & Richardson include product liability, public liability, professional liability, and employer liability.

The liability insurance covers businesses’ expenditures when they have to pay compensation to a client, or member of the public who is injured, suffers an illness or dies as a result of the consumption or use of their products. The insurance also covers legal fees spent in defending a claim or other financial loss.

Insurance Scope

  • Legal costs coverage
  • Injury or damage claim coverage
  • Costs of defending third-party claim coverage
  • Resultant financial loss coverage

Type: Insurance broker

Address: 7, Northumberland Ave, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Martin Insurance

Martin Insurance is an insurance broker that was founded in Ireland. The company mainly provides liability insurance and commercial insurance for companies from the industry of construction, manufacturing, engineering, retail, distribution, and technology.

The product liability insurance policies offered by Martin Insurance cover the compensation cost, legal defence costs when the insured is wrongly accused, and other compensation awarded against the insured by the court.

According to the information on Martin Insurance’s official website, the company represents more than 30 insurers across Ireland, the UK, and Europe. They are a member of Brokers Ireland, Brokers Federation of Ireland, and Corporate Partner of Engineers Ireland.

Insurance Scope

  • Legal costs coverage
  • Injury or damage claim coverage
  • Business interruption loss coverage

Type: Insurance broker

Address: Kilmore Business Park, Dublin Road, Cavan, Ireland


NFP specialises in offering insurance risk management solutions. Although headquartered in the United States, they have been expanding their presence in Ireland and the United Kingdom since 2016.

NFP provides consulting and broking expertise in areas including commercial insurance and private clients insurance. Their provision of product liability insurance is a subset of their commercial insurance.

The company supports SMEs and large corporations. Their goal as an insurance partner is to ensure the suitability of the insurance programme for their clients, and that their clients receive the appropriate support and pay the suitable level of cover.

NFP’s product liability insurance coverage can protect against legal fees, large payments against damages, as well as damage to reputation and loss of business.

Product Categories

  • Jewellery
  • Watches
  • Prestige clothing
  • Cars (sports, super, vintage, classic, enthusiast)
  • Motorcycles
  • Boats and yachts

Insurance Scope

  • Protection against liability caused by faulty product
  • Legal fees coverage
  • Protection against damage to reputation coverage

Type: Insurance broker

Address: 2nd Floor, Block 4, The Arch, Blackrock Business Park, Blackrock, Co. Dublin A94 A0D0



Allianz is part of Allianz Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies and financial institutions in the world, with a presence in more than 70 countries. The company is strong in non-life insurance products, including product liability insurance for businesses.

Allianz has a wide range of product liability insurances that are custom-made for manufacturers, producers of raw materials or parts, or companies that brand products made by third-party manufacturers.

Product Categories

Insurance Scope

  • Injury to users’ coverage
  • Damage due to a defect in a product coverage
  • Consequential damage coverage

Type: Insurance company (Verzekeringsbedrijf)

Address: Coolsingel 139, Rotterdam, 3012 AG, Netherlands


Interpolis was founded in 1969 and is now one of the largest insurance companies in the Netherlands. Interpolis’ product liability insurance packages are suitable for manufacturers, or importers who buy products from outside the EU.

According to the company’s website, their business liability products include product liability. Interpolis’ business liability policy comprises legal assistance and business growth. They ensure accidental damage, damage caused by products, personal injury, and property damage.

Product Categories

  • Toys
  • Electronic products
  • Batteries
  • Household appliances

Insurance Scope

  • Personal injury coverage
  • Damage to belongings coverage
  • Daily terminable

Type: Insurance company (Verzekeringsbedrijf)

Address: Spoorlaan 298, Tilburg, 5017 JZ, Netherlands

Howden Insurance Brokers Nederland

Howden Insurance Brokers Nederland was founded in 2013 as an independent insurance brokerage firm. The company provides general and product liability insurance for clients from the industries of retailing, manufacturing, construction, and logistics.

Howden’s product liability insurance protects clients from claims for personal injury, illness, or property damage arising from products sold by the business. The insurance covers claims of injury or damage caused by defects in the product’s design, manufacturing, or labelling.

Insurance Scope

  • Injury, illness, or damage caused by defective product coverage
  • Legal costs and damages coverage

Type: Insurance broker (Verzekeringsagent)

Address: Veerhaven 7 3016 CJ Rotterdam, the Netherlands


Pacto Seguro

Pacto Seguro is a Portuguese insurance broker firm that was founded in 2001. The company provides product liability insurance for manufacturers, importers, and retailers who engage in trading businesses in the EU.

Their product liability insurance provides legal compensation because of a defective product. The insurance also covers material damage caused by, and to, products as well.

Insurance Scope

  • Injury or damage claim coverage
  • Legal cost coverage
  • Defence cost coverage
  • Additional claims cost coverage

Type: Insurance broker (Corretor de seguros)

Address: Rua José Coutinho, 262, S. Mamede de Infesta, 4465-180, Portugal

Howden Portugal

Howden was founded in London in 1994. According to the company’s website, Howden is an independent insurance broker that provides insurance solutions – such as product liability insurance – worldwide. The company also serves clients in Portugal, where they have an office.

Howden Portugal has a network of broker partners, through which the company further provides their insurance expertise.

The company’s product liability insurance coverage protects customers from common claims such as design, manufacturing, and labelling defects. The insurance also covers the costs incurred from spurious and serious claims that a product has caused harm to someone or their property.

Insurance Scope

  • Design defects
  • Manufacturing defects
  • Labelling defects

Type: Insurance broker (Corretor de seguros)

Address: Avenida Duque d`Ávila, nº 46 – 4ºB 1050-083 Lisboa, Portugal


Asefa Seguros

Founded in 1972, Asefa Seguros is a Spanish insurance company that specialises in providing insurance services for the construction industry, including manufacturers, suppliers of construction products, and contractors in Spain.

Asefa Seguros offers a product liability insurance package that protects the companies’ assets against claims made as a result of the risks caused by defective products or other unforeseeable risks.

Product Categories

  • Wooden products
  • PVC products
  • Aluminum joinery
  • Roof tiles and bricks
  • Granules
  • Metalwork
  • Locks
  • Natural stone
  • Thermal
  • Insulation systems
  • Carbon fibers

Insurance Scope

  • Design defects coverage
  • Manufacturing defects coverage
  • Improper warnings coverage

Type: Insurance company (Compañía de seguros)

Address: Av. De Manoteras, 32 Building A, 28050 Madrid, Spain

Singular Cover

Singular Cover was founded in 2018 in Barcelona, Spain as an insurtech company, which is an online insurance brokerage firm that mainly provides liability insurance and commercial insurance for SMEs and self-employed from leading insurers including Liberty, Allianz, AXA, FIATC, and Previsión Mallorquina.

Customers can calculate the price of the product liability insurance on the website of Singular Cover in a few minutes and sign an electronic contract remotely.

Insurance Scope

  • Damage or sickness claim arises from poisonings or allergic reactions produced by the product’s coverage
  • Legal defense coverage

Type: Insurance broker (Corredora de seguros)

Address: Plaza Pau Vila 1, Edificio Pier01, 1ra planta sector A, Barcelona, Barcelona 08039, Spain


Marsh is an insurance broker with offices in 130 countries, more than 150 years of service, and over 45,000 specialists. They provide claims advocacy services, industry-specific brokerage services, and consulting services.

Marsh provides product liability and recalls insurance to protect companies from claims regarding bodily harm or property damage. They also help companies such as manufacturers and distributors develop a product liability and recall risk management strategy.

Product Categories

  • Technology
  • Food
  • Parts
  • Ingredients
  • Consumer goods

Insurance Scope

  • Liability claims
  • Product recalls
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims
  • Medical fees
  • Legal representation
  • Consulting

Type: Insurance broker (Corredora de seguros)

Address: P.º de la Castellana, 216, 8°, Chamartín, 28046 Madrid, Spain


AIG (American International Group)

AIG is an insurance company established in 1919 by an American businessman called Cornelius Vander Starr. Today, AIG is a global insurance company operating in more than 80 countries and jurisdictions. The company provides comprehensive insurance services including product liability insurance, general property and casualty insurance, and more.

AIG began to operate in Stockholm in the 1990s to support domestic and Pan-European business activities. AIG’s product liability insurance, combined with general liability insurance, provides financial protection against claims for damages resulting from personal injury or property damage due to product defects or misoperation.

For Swedish businesses that operate outside of Sweden, AIG offers insurance policies based on the local standard, complying with local legislation and rules in the countries where business is conducted.

Insurance Scope

  • Represent the insured in legal proceedings
  • Litigation cost or arbitration cost coverage
  • Damage costs coverage

Type: Insurance company (Försäkringsbolag)

Address: Västra Järnvägsgatan 7, 8th Floor, 11164 Stockholm, Sweden

If P&C Insurance

If P&C Insurance is a property and casualty insurance company from Sweden, with around 3.9 million customers in Scandinavia, Russia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The company specializes in providing insurance and risk management solutions for domestic and international companies.

If P&C Insurance’s product liability insurance covers the company’s liability according to the legislation in consumer and B2B trade industries.

In addition, If P&C Insurance also provides product recall insurance, which covers the withdrawal costs of a defective product.

Insurance Scope

  • Third-party injury or damage caused by defective product coverage
  • Costs of defending claims coverage
  • Recalls expenses coverage

Type: Insurance company (Försäkringsbolag)

Address: Barks väg 15, Stockholm, SE 106 80, Sweden

W.R. Berkeley Insurance AG

Founded in 1967 in the United States as WR Berkeley Corporation, W.R. Berkeley Insurance AG has 7,500 employees worldwide. The company has offices in Stockholm, Örebro, and Oslo, and was audited by FMA in Lichtenstein.

They have experienced underwriters and claims experts to help protect clients by providing them with a custom liability solution. The company also claims to provide customers with a dedicated contact person, not an automated help desk. Further, W.R. Berkeley Insurance AG was rated A+ by AM Best and S&P.

They claim to also cover new businesses, and company subsidiaries.

Insurance Scope

  • Indemnity (e.g. for bodily injury or property damages)
  • Defence costs
  • Emergency costs

Type: Insurance company (Försäkringsbolag)
Address: Birger Jarlsgatan 22, 114 34 Stockholm

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    Sources: Our articles are written in part based on publicly available information, and our own practical experience relating to product compliance. These are some of the primary sources we use:

    • European Commission -
    • EUR-Lex -
    • European Chemicals Agency -
    • eCFR -
    • U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission -
    • U.S. Federal Trade Commission -
    • U.S. Federal Communications Commission -
    • GOV.UK
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