CE marking

CE marking is mandatory for a wide range of products sold in the European Union. We can help you research relevant directives, and understand the applicable conformity assessment procedure.

Note: You can use the Compliance Gate Platform (Link) to self-manage most of the CE marking process. This service is intended for companies that prefer a done-for-you solution.

Book a Free Consultation Call

1. Research directives

We start the process by researching the relevant EU directives. We primarily take the following into consideration:

  • Conformity assessment process/modules
  • Category
  • Documentation requirements
  • Labeling requirements
  • Notified body requirements
  • Testing requirements

Deliverable: PDF report

Note: We do not cover medical devices.

2. Research harmonised standards

We can also help you research relevant harmonised standards for your product.

3. Create files

Once the requirements have been identified, we can move forward and help you create the following files:

  • Declaration of Conformity (DoC)
  • CE label file
  • Traceability label file

Note: We only provide general guidance concerning the creation of technical documentation and user instructions. Creating these files require expertise concerning the product.

4. Lab testing

Finally, we help you find suitable lab testing companies. We can also help you search for notified bodies, if required, and obtain quotations.


1. We usually provide an upfront fixed rate on a per-assignment basis. Here are some examples:

Level I: Researching directives – from 700 USD

Level II: Researching directives and creating files – from 1500 USD

Level III: All of the above, and also contacting labs and notified bodies – from 2000 USD

2. The quotation provides a clearly defined set of milestones

3. The cost ultimately depends on the scope and complexity of the assignment.

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