List of Products covered by the Machinery Regulation

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List of Products covered by the Machinery Regulation
The Machinery Regulation covers many different categories of machinery. Additionally, it covers a number of products that are related to machinery, such as components and chains.

In this guide, we provide examples of products for different categories of machinery. Additionally, we provide examples of harmonised standards associated with each listed product category.

Product List Creation Methodology

In this guide, we list examples of machinery products that are referred to in harmonised standards under:

a. The Machinery Directive

b. The Machinery Regulation

The Machinery Directive is effective until 20 January 2027 after which the Machinery Regulation applies.

Most of the standards that will be harmonised under the regulation are still under draft. Many of them are updated versions of standards that are harmonised under the Machinery Directive. However, some standards under the Machinery Regulation are new – for example, EN 17128 for Personal light electric vehicles (PLEV).

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List of CE Marking Directives and Regulations: An Overview

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The CE marking indicates that a product is compliant with the requirements of relevant CE marking directives and regulations. Such directives and regulations apply to a wide range of products, including electronics, toys, helmets, sunglasses, and medical devices.

In this guide, we list directives and regulations for which the CE marking is required. Each section includes product examples and requirements that EU importers and manufacturers must be aware of.

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Single-Use Plastics Directive: An Overview

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Single Use Plastic Straws

The Single-Use Plastics Directive contains specific requirements and prohibitions that affect the manufacturing and importation of single-use plastic products, oxo-degradable plastics products, and fishing gear. These are products that are used only once or are used for a short period before being discarded.

This guide covers the Single-Use Plastics Directive and explains how it relates to certain plastic products. Additionally, we refer to implementing measures and commission guidelines and address common questions related to the Directive.
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REACH SVHC Substance List: An Overview

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Certain chemicals are classified as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) under the REACH regulation. Products and mixtures containing SVHCs can be subject to reporting requirements.

This guide addresses some common questions concerning SVHCs and explores the REACH requirements affecting articles containing SVHCs. Additionally, we explain the differences between SVHCs and restricted substances under Annex XVII of REACH.
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REACH Annex XVII Substances List: An Overview

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Annex XVII of the REACH regulation sets restrictions for a wide range of substances, including phthalates, lead, cadmium, and nickel. Further, some substance restrictions are specific to certain product categories, such as textiles or childcare articles.

Keeping track of Annex XVII substances is important as you generally cannot sell products or mixtures that contain such substances above the set limits.

In this guide, we address common questions related to Annex XVII and present examples of substances that are restricted for use in consumer products. Additionally, we explain how new restrictions are added to the Annex.
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Good Manufacturing Practice in the European Union

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Good Manufacturing Practice in the European Union

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) generally refers to a set of procedures to ensure that the products you manufacture are consistently meeting the requirements of applicable regulations. In practice, this can mean different things, depending on the product and the applicable regulations.

In this guide, we cover GMP requirements found in regulations affecting different product categories from food contact materials to cosmetic products. Additionally, we cover similar requirements (like good engineering practice) found in other regulations and explain how they differ from GMP requirements.

Note that there may be other regulations that cover GMP requirements (e.g. for for medicinal products).
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Baby Stroller Regulations in the European Union: A Complete Guide

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Baby Stroller Regulations in the European Union: A Complete Guide
Importers and manufacturers of baby strollers are required to comply with requirements such as testing, documentation, and labelling. Non-compliant baby strollers may, for instance, pose mechanical, physical, and chemical hazards to children. For example, stroller parts may entrap the baby and cause an injury, and substances used in coating products and dyes may affect the child’s development.

In this guide, we explain how regulations such as the General Product Safety Regulation and REACH are relevant for baby strollers.
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Children’s Jewellery Regulations in the European Union: A Complete Guide

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Children's Jewellery

Children’s jewellery sold in the European Union must meet certain safety requirements, in addition to substance, labelling, and testing requirements. In this guide, we explain what EU importers and manufacturers must know about REACH, General Product Safety Regulation, Toy Safety Directive, and other compliance requirements relevant for children’s jewellery in the European Union.
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Workwear Regulations and Standards in the European Union: An Overview

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Workwear Regulations in the European Union

Workwear is designed to protect the worker against certain risks found in the workplace, like physical injuries and electric shocks. Given the risks, there are regulations such as the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation that require workwear to meet high safety standards.

In this guide, we cover regulations and their requirements relevant to workwear, which cover requirements such as documentation, labelling, and testing.
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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Regulation: An Overview

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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Regulation: An Overview
Companies importing certain materials and products into the EU must comply with the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Regulation. This includes, for example, certain materials like aluminium, iron and steel. Additionally, the regulation covers certain finished or semi-finished products made with these materials, like screws and bolts.

In this guide, we explain the regulation as it relates to the application procedures for CBAM declarants, the submission of CBAM declarations, reporting obligations, and the purchasing of CBAM certificates. Additionally, we provide a FAQ section that addresses common questions concerning the regulation.
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