List of European Authorised Representative Companies 2025

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The Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 states that sellers based outside the EU selling certain products directly to consumers in the European Union must have an authorised representative. This authorised representative must based in the EU, and manage certain tasks within the market.

Previously, this primarily affected companies selling electronics, toys, PPE, and other products requiring CE marking. However, the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) extends these requirements to virtually all consumer products sold to consumers in the EU by companies established outside the EU.

In this guide, we list companies offering EU authorised representative services for products covered by the Market Surveillance Regulation and the General Product Safety Regulation.

Learn more

a. European Union Authorised Representatives: A Complete Guide

b. Authorised Representatives under the General Product Safety Regulation

Continue reading List of European Authorised Representative Companies 2025

Trampoline Regulations in the European Union: An Overview

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Trampoline Regulations in the European Union

Trampolines imported or manufactured in the European Union are subject to various regulations and standards, as well as requirements regarding testing, labelling, and documentation. Ensuring compliance is crucial as unsafe trampolines can result in life-threatening injuries.

In this guide, we explain how the requirements in directives and regulations such as the Toy Safety Directive and the General Product Safety Regulation apply to different types of trampolines in the European Union.
Continue reading Trampoline Regulations in the European Union: An Overview

Playpen Regulations in the European Union: An Overview

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Playpen Regulations in the European Union

Importers and manufacturers of playpens need to comply with various regulations, directives, and standards in the EU. Non-compliant playpens are unsafe and can pose hazards, such as body part entrapment or strangulation of young children. As another example, coatings, textiles, and other components may contain restricted substances above the limit, resulting on an unsafe product.

In this guide, we explain how regulations such as the General Product Safety Regulation and REACH, and standards such as EN 716-1, apply to playpens in the EU.
Continue reading Playpen Regulations in the European Union: An Overview

GPSR Warnings and Safety Information – A Practical Guide

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GPSR Warnings and Safety Information

The General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) states that certain products must come with written warnings and safety instructions. However, it can be challenging to determine when warnings and safety instructions are necessary, and how to write these.

In this guide, we explain when warnings and safety instructions are mandated by the GPSR and the methods you can apply to write suitable instructions for your product.
Continue reading GPSR Warnings and Safety Information – A Practical Guide

GPSR Requirements for Amazon Sellers – A Practical Guide

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GPSR Requirements for Amazon sellers

Starting in 2024, we have been flooded with questions from Amazon sellers struggling to understand what they must do to meet the requirements under the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). In this guide, we explain how and why Amazon verifies GPSR compliance, and what you can do to avoid costly product removals. This guide is relevant both to Amazon sellers based inside the EU, as well as those in other countries.
Continue reading GPSR Requirements for Amazon Sellers – A Practical Guide

General Product Safety Regulation Requirements for Importers

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GPSR Requirements for Importers

Companies importing products to the European Union are required to comply with the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). In practice, this means that importers are required to verify that their products are compliant with applicable product standards, correctly documented, and labelled.

In this guide, we take a closer look at how the General Product Safety Regulation applies to importers, and how you can determine if you are defined as an importer in the first place.
Continue reading General Product Safety Regulation Requirements for Importers

General Product Safety Regulation Requirements for Manufacturers

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GPSR Requirements for Manufacturers

The General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requires that manufacturers ensure that their products meet the highest standards of safety. In addition, manufacturers are required to create technical documentation, arrange lab testing, and ensure that their products are correctly labelled with their company details.

In this guide, we explain how you can determine if your company is deemed to be the manufacturer or not. This can be the case, even if you do not actually make products in house. In addition, we also take a closer look at the steps that must be taken to comply with the GPSR, and how the responsibilities differ for manufacturers based in the EU and outside.
Continue reading General Product Safety Regulation Requirements for Manufacturers

AI Act (Artificial Intelligence Regulation (EU) 2024/1689): An Overview

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AI Act (Artificial Intelligence Regulation (EU) 2024/1689)
The AI Act, or Artificial Intelligence Regulation (EU) 2024/1689, provides a framework in which artificial intelligence technologies can be regulated. It was created to support innovation. However, it also addresses possible risks to people’s health, safety or fundamental rights.

It contains requirements that cover artificial intelligence (AI) systems and AI models, including certain products that make use of AI technologies. Furthermore, the regulation categorises certain AI systems as high-risk AI systems, for which there are additional requirements such as CE marking, and Declaration of Conformity.

In this guide, we explain the regulation’s requirements and how they affect providers and other economic operators involved in AI technologies, including manufacturers of products that use AI systems.
Continue reading AI Act (Artificial Intelligence Regulation (EU) 2024/1689): An Overview

Crib Regulations in the European Union: An Overview

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Crib Regulations in the European Union

Cribs and crib mattresses must comply with various regulations, directives, and safety standards in the EU. Non-compliant and unsafe baby cribs and cots can be strangulation hazards. Paints and surface coatings can also contain excessive amounts of restricted substances.

In this guide, we explain how the General Product Safety Regulation, REACH, EN 1130, EN 16890, and other compliance requirements relate to cribs and crib mattresses imported or manufactured for sale in the European Union. Continue reading Crib Regulations in the European Union: An Overview

Inflatable Pool Regulations in the European Union: An Overview

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Inflatable Pool Regulations in the European Union

Inflatable pools imported or manufactured for sale in the European Union are subject to various safety standards, chemical restrictions, labelling, documentation, and testing requirements. Given the inherent risk with such products, ensuring compliance is crucial.

Further, the specific requirements that apply depend on various factors, such as the age group the pool is intended for.

In this guide, we take a closer look at the Toy Safety Directive, General Product Safety Regulation, REACH, and other EU compliance requirements relevant to inflatable pools. However, this guide does not cover requirements for pumps and other electrical components.

Continue reading Inflatable Pool Regulations in the European Union: An Overview