Amazon Dangerous Goods Guide for Importers and Manufacturers

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Amazon Dangerous Goods

Are you planning to sell products potentially classified as “dangerous goods via the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service? In this case, you might need to ensure that your product complies with Amazon’s dangerous goods policy and submit documentation such as safety data sheets (SDS), exemption sheets, or test reports.

In this guide, we explain what products are classified as dangerous goods, what kind of documentation and information sellers need to provide, and the dangerous goods review process.


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Which products are classified as dangerous goods?

Amazon defines “dangerous goods” as substances or materials that contain combustible, pressurized, corrosive, or otherwise hazardous chemicals.

Dangerous goods classes

Dangerous goods belong to at least one of the nine classes below based on their specific characteristics:

Class 1 – Explosive substances

Class 2 – Gases (flammable, non-flammable, toxic, and non-toxic)

Class 3 – Flammable liquids

Class 4 – Flammable solids, substances prone to spontaneous combustion, and substances that are dangerous when wet

Class 5 – Oxidizers and organic peroxides

Class 6 – Toxic substances and infectious substances

Class 7 – Radioactive material

Class 8 – Corrosive substances

Class 9 – Miscellaneous dangerous substances

Dangerous goods product examples

The above classes of goods include products that might be risky to handle, store, and transport. Here are some examples:

  • Battery-operated toys
  • Power banks
  • Apparel stain remover
  • Lead-acid batteries
  • E-book devices
  • Personal care products
  • Foods in pressurized containers (e.g., whipped cream)
  • Laundry liquids
  • Equipment cleansers
  • Aquarium water treatments and test kits
  • Camp stoves
  • Painting and repair kits

You can find more examples of dangerous goods on Amazon Seller Central.

What is the difference between hazmat and dangerous goods?

According to Amazon, dangerous goods and hazmat (hazardous materials) refer to the same groups of products.

As already mentioned, dangerous goods are materials or substances that may be risky to handle, store, or transport because they might consist of harmful substances that are incendiary, pressurized, or abrasive.

FBA Dangerous Goods program

The FBA Dangerous Goods program allows companies to sell some types of dangerous goods via FBA. In this section, we explain what kind of dangerous goods you can sell via FBA.

In the following sections, we discuss documentation, labeling, and other program requirements.

Classes of Dangerous goods that can be sold through FBA

On its Terms and Conditions, Amazon explains that only dangerous goods that belong to the following classes (and divisions) can be sold via FBA:

Class 2 (Division 2.1) – Flammable gases

Class 2 (Division 2.2) – Non-flammable, non-toxic gases

Class 3 – Flammable liquids

Class 4 (Division 4.1) – Flammable solids

Class 5 (Division 5.1) – Oxidizers

Class 5 (Division 5.2) – Organic peroxides

Class 6 (Division 6.1) – Toxic substances

Class 8 – Corrosive substances

Class 9 – Miscellaneous dangerous substances

Note: On the Amazon Seller Central page that we linked from the first section of this guide, Amazon claims that the “FBA Dangerous Goods program, which allows participating sellers to sell additional types of dangerous goods“.

The word “additional” seems to imply that some classes of dangerous goods can be sold via FBA without participating in the program.

However, we can’t find evidence of this information anywhere else. Thus, we suggest contacting Amazon if you want to confirm if it is possible to sell some types of dangerous goods without participating in the program.

Regulatory requirements

Besides belonging to one of the above classes and divisions, the products must also comply with relevant dangerous goods regulations such as:

a. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (for ground transportation)

b. The Federal Aviation Administration requirements (for air transportation)

c. The Hazardous Materials Regulations

d. The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

Dangerous goods that cannot be sold through FBA

Amazon prohibits the sale of dangerous goods through FBA in the following classes:

Class 1 – Explosive substances

Class 2 (Division 2.3) – Toxic gas

Class 4 (Division 4.2) – Substances prone to spontaneous combustion

Class 4 (Division 4.3) – Substances hazardous when wet

Class 6 (Division 6.2) – Infectious substances

Class 7 – Radioactive material


Amazon requires sellers of dangerous goods to provide specific documentation when they list a new product on their platform. This should include either a safety data sheet (SDS) or an exemption sheet.

You can learn more about the required documentation and information on this page.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

As said, sellers might need to prepare a safety data sheet. The document has typically 16 sections that should include information such as the following:

  • Chemical and physical properties
  • Health and physical hazards
  • Exposure routes
  • Precautions for safe handling and use
  • First-aid and emergency procedures
  • Control measures

An SDS allows Amazon to do the following:

a. Ascertain whether your goods are considered dangerous

b. Identify your products’ proper classification as either dangerous or non-dangerous

c. Choose the appropriate handling and disposal procedures in case a product leaks or spills in a fulfillment facility

d. Confirm that your products are goods that are not regulated

Additional information

Additionally, the compliance of a Safety Data Sheet depends on the following:

a. Creation date (it should not be older than five years)

b. The inclusion of new GHS/CLP hazard identification information

c. The details must atch the product in terms of the names of the product, manufacturer, or brand

d. The inclusion of all 16 standard SDS sections

Exemption Sheet

Amazon sellers may upload exemption sheets for products that do not require an SDS. The exemption sheet applies to the following two categories of products:

  • Batteries and battery-powered products
  • Products without dangerous chemicals

Amazon claims to reject exemption sheets that list products not belonging to the above categories.

In order to upload the exemption sheet, sellers should go to “Manage dangerous goods classification” in their account.

They should then download the relevant template (Exemption sheet for battery and battery-powered products or Exemption sheet for products without harmful chemicals), fill it out correctly in their preferred language, and submit it to Amazon.

Test Reports

In addition to an SDS or an exemption sheet, Amazon sellers may need to upload other documentation, such as test reports to confirm that the products comply with relevant standards or regulations.

For example, Amazon requires sellers of power banks to provide UL 2056 test reports from an ILAC ISO 17025-certified lab.

Required Information

Amazon might require sellers to provide specific information when listing dangerous goods via FBA. This includes:

  • UN number
  • Product weight
  • Product volume
  • Categorization/GHS pictograms
  • Safety data sheet URL (if available)
  • Flash point (if available)

If sellers list batteries or products that use batteries, Amazon may require them to provide information such as the following:

  • Utilization of batteries inside the product
  • Battery composition
  • Battery type or size
  • Number of batteries
  • Battery weight
  • Cells per battery
  • Lithium battery packaging
  • Watt-hours per battery
  • Lithium content

Labeling Requirements

Amazon sellers of dangerous goods should affix the appropriate GHS pictogram onto their product’s packaging or SDS.

The UNECE’s website provides classification and labeling summary tables that identify the circumstances for using specific GHS pictograms. For instance, if the product contains a gas that is fatal when inhaled, the pictogram is represented by a skull and crossbones.

Besides affixing the appropriate label to their product or packaging, sellers should follow the steps below to create a listing of dangerous goods for FBA:

1. Click Add dangerous goods information in the workflow

2. Under Product regulation information, select onscreen the appropriate GHS/CLP pictogram that is on the product’s packaging or SDS

Packaging Requirements

The FBA Dangerous Goods program’s terms and conditions require sellers to comply with the following shipping and packaging requirements:

a. Do not ship Program Units using an Amazon Partnered Carrier

b. Do not ship Program Units with other kinds of units

c. Only ship Program Units to Amazon-designated Amazon fulfillment centers

d. Safely and commercially package Program Units in compliance with relevant labeling, packaging, weight, and size requirements (including US Department of Transportation regulations)

Note that Amazon defines “Program Units” as dangerous goods that Amazon has approved for sale through the FBA Dangerous Goods program.

Program’s waitlist

At the moment, in the US sellers must join a waitlist, in order to participate in the program. They can join the waitlist for the program from their account by doing the following:

1. Click on Manage dangerous goods classification

2. Select FBA Dangerous Goods program

3. Click Apply to the FBA Dangerous Goods program

Once the sellers are on the waitlist, they receive a notification about their participation availability.

Dangerous Goods Review Process

When Amazon sellers either create a listing of dangerous goods or convert a listing to be sold via FBA, they must provide a complete, accurate, and detailed description of their goods, including pictures.

Amazon then reviews the listing to ensure that the products comply with applicable requirements. Next, sellers of dangerous goods must submit either an SDS or an exemption sheet, and the additional required information.

Amazon reviews and classifies the product as either a dangerous good or a non-dangerous good.

Sellers can use the Look up an ASIN tool to check whether Amazon:

a. Has classified and listed their product; or

b. Requires the seller to provide further information

What is the “maximum allowable quantity limit for dangerous goods”?

Amazon’s fulfillment centers have a maximum allowable quantity limit for dangerous goods. This limit ensures the health and safety of employees and compliance with local regulations.

Dangerous goods have different hazard types, each of which has a specific maximum allowable quantity limit in each fulfillment center.

If the SKU of a shipment of dangerous goods exceeds this limit at the selected fulfillment center, sellers receive an error message. They can resolve it by following these steps:

1. Remove the SKU, or reduce its quantity to below the fulfillment center’s limit

2. Create a new shipment of dangerous goods (i.e., if removed in the previous step). This step identifies if sellers can ship those goods to another fulfillment center that has not reached its maximum allowable quantity limit

3. Try to create a shipment at a later date, as the dangerous goods inventory at each center changes regularly

  • (USA & EU)


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    Disclaimer: The Site cannot and does not contain legal advice. The legal information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. We do not provide any kind of legal advice. THE USE OR RELIANCE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.

    Full Disclaimer: Link

    Sources: Our articles are written in part based on publicly available information, and our own practical experience relating to product compliance. These are some of the primary sources we use:

    • European Commission -
    • EUR-Lex -
    • European Chemicals Agency -
    • eCFR -
    • U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission -
    • U.S. Federal Trade Commission -
    • U.S. Federal Communications Commission -
    • GOV.UK
  • 1 Responses to “Amazon Dangerous Goods Guide for Importers and Manufacturers

    1. Benjamin Clark at 5:04 pm

      We need a battery sheet created

      Unable to classify

      Based on the product type, the wrong exemption sheet is on file. Upload an exemption sheet for battery and battery-powered products.

      12V Voltage, 900mAh battery capacity Lithium battery Rechargable with Type C Usb cable included

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