EN 71 Toy Safety Lab Testing: A Complete Guide

Posted on 21 Comments

EN 71 is harmonised in the European Union, under the Toy Safety Directive. This means that toys imported and manufactured in the EU must be fully tested and compliant with all applicable EN 71 standards.

In this guide, we explain what EN 71 is, how to assess which parts apply, whether testing is mandatory, costs, and much more.


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What is EN 71 toy safety testing?

EN 71 is a set of standards specifying toy safety. EN 71 covers chemicals and heavy metals, flammability, small parts, and mechanical properties:

  • EN 71-1: Mechanical and physical properties
  • EN 71-2: Flammability
  • EN 71-3: Specification for migration of certain elements
  • EN 71-4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities
  • EN 71-5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets
  • EN 71-6: Graphical symbols for age warning labeling
  • EN 71-7: Finger paints
  • EN 71-8: Swings, slides, and similar activity toys for indoor and outdoor family domestic use
  • EN 71-9: Organic chemical compounds – Requirement
  • EN 71-10: Organic chemical compounds – Sample preparation and extraction
  • EN 71-11: Organic chemical compounds – Methods of analysis
  • EN 71-12: N-Nitrosamines and N-Nitrosatable Substances
  • EN 71-13: Olfactory board games, cosmetic kits, and gustative games
  • EN 71-14: Trampolines for domestic use

The purpose of EN 71 testing is to verify if your product is compliant with all applicable EN 71 parts, listed above.

Practical Examples

Here are some practical examples of processes that can be part of an EN 71 testing procedure:

  • Lead content
  • Mercury content
  • Phthalates content
  • Flammability test
  • Sharp points test
  • Small parts test
  • Warning label check

EN-71 lab testing

Is EN 71 lab testing mandatory?

EN 71 lab testing is mandatory in the sense that toys in the EU must be compliant with the Toy Safety Directive. EN 71 is harmonised under this directive, which in practice means that you must verify that your product is compliant. This is done through lab testing.

There are also some brands, which are not in the toy industry, that voluntarily follow one or more EN 71 standards. The purpose of this is that EN 71 can serve as a good reference point when ensuring that products are generally safe and compliant.

Why do I need an EN 71 test report?

The lab test report serves as a documented demonstration of compliance. It includes information about the product and the tests it was subjected to.

Further, you also need a test report to issue a Declaration of Conformity (DoC), which is required under the Toy Safety Directive. The test report should also be included in the technical file.

EN 71 warning labels

EN 71 parts also cover warning labels that apply to toys and other related products. You need to buy the relevant EN 71 standard and then assess which warning labels apply to your products.

Can I use an EN 71 test report in the United States?

No, EN 71 is an EU standard. EN 71 lab test reports are not valid in the United States and cannot be used to demonstrate compliance with CPSIA.

How do I know which EN 71 part applies to my product?

You can either make your own assessment or contact a lab testing company. Lab testing companies normally provide a list of applicable EN 71 parts when you request a toy safety testing quotation.

At what stage should I confirm applicable EN 71 parts?

EN 71 covers mechanical and physical properties, which have a direct impact on the design and construction of the product. It’s therefore important that you know which EN 71 parts apply to your product before it leaves the drawing board.

It’s crucial that your designers understand EN 71 and its practical implications on product design and construction. Otherwise, you may end up sending an inherently unsafe and non-compliant product to production.

When should we book lab testing?

My recommendation is that you arrange lab testing at two stages:

Pre-Production Samples/Prototype

Prototype testing before mass production can help you prevent a situation in which you mass-produce a product that is non-compliant by design.

Pre-Shipment Batch Samples

Batch sample testing is necessary for two reasons:

1. Confirm that the materials don’t contain excessive amounts of restricted substances

2. Final confirmation of physical, flammability, and other safety requirements compliance

Can I use a test report from my supplier?

This can only be done in the scenario in which you buy an already branded product. For example, you don’t need to get Mattel or Disney toys lab tested before selling in the EU. However, this is not the case when dealing with OEM or ODM manufacturers in Asia, or elsewhere outside the EU.

The reason is that test reports are product specific – sometimes even only applicable to a certain production run or batch. As such, you cannot use a test report valid for a batch of toys produced back in 2017 – and use this as proof of compliance for an order you have not even placed yet.

This is the case even if the test report is valid for the exact same product, which is unlikely to be the case in the first place. The most common example is that suppliers offer old test reports, sometimes held by entirely different companies, to demonstrate that they are compliant.

However, using old test reports is not a shortcut and can result in a forced recall. This happened to a customer I was working with a few years ago.

They had been importing toys from a wholesaler based in Shantou, China, and relied on outdated test reports valid for completely different factories and products.

One day, the national market surveillance authorities knocked on their door and asked to see their EN 71 test reports and complementary Declaration of Conformity. After reviewing the test reports, they quickly determined that the test reports were invalid and issued a sales ban.

I never heard from them again after that. That said, we still take the supplier-held EN 71 test reports into consideration when assessing if a supplier has the capability to make EN 71 compliant products.

How do I know if a supplier is EN 71 certified?

EN 71 test reports are only valid for a specific product and material specification. An EN 71 test report is not applicable to a factory or brand as a whole, in the sense that it certifies that all their manufactured products are by default EN 71 compliant.

Further, there is no such thing as an ‘EN 71 factory certificate’ either.

EN 71 lab testing costs

EN 71 testing costs are calculated based on the number of materials, applicable EN 71 parts, colors, and components. Each component and material must be tested, meaning that more complex products are more expensive to test.

Cost Examples

  • Baby romper: $500
  • Teddy bear: $700
  • RC Toy: $1500
  • Wooden Toy Train Set (15 Parts): $1900
  • Trampoline: $2500

List of EN 71 toy safety testing companies

Here are some reliable companies offering EN 71 testing services:

  • QIMA
  • Eurofins
  • Bureau Veritas
  • SGS
  • Intertek
  • TUV

You can find a more extensive list on this page.

  • (USA & EU)


    • Request a free 30-minute call with Ivan Malloci to learn how we can help you with:
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    Disclaimer: The Site cannot and does not contain legal advice. The legal information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. We do not provide any kind of legal advice. THE USE OR RELIANCE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.

    Full Disclaimer: Link

    Sources: Our articles are written in part based on publicly available information, and our own practical experience relating to product compliance. These are some of the primary sources we use:

    • European Commission - europa.eu
    • EUR-Lex - eur-lex.europa.eu
    • European Chemicals Agency - echa.europa.eu
    • eCFR - ecfr.gov
    • U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission - cpsc.gov
    • U.S. Federal Trade Commission - ftc.gov
    • U.S. Federal Communications Commission - fcc.gov
    • GOV.UK
    • Legislation.gov.uk
  • 21 Responses to “EN 71 Toy Safety Lab Testing: A Complete Guide

    1. Akshay khanna at 7:56 am

      HI Fedrick,

      Does testing need to be done for every new batch that is produced?

      For example: If I import 1,000 units of an animal wooden puzzle this month and have that batch tested, do I need to test the next batch if I import another 1,000 units of the same puzzle six months later?

      The manufacturer of the puzzle has EN71 in place but will be creating puzzles with new designs for me

    2. Sally Ann at 2:36 pm

      I am producing a cuddly toy and my manufacturers have offered EN71-1 2 and 3 or that it will be cheaper if I just do EN71-3. How do I find out if that will still be complaint for the product?

      1. Fredrik Gronkvist at 2:18 pm

        Hello Sally,

        Yes, it will of course be cheaper if you do less testing. The problem with this approach is that EN 71-1 and EN 71-2 are absolutely crucial when it comes to toys.

        Do not let your supplier (especially if they are not in the EU) decide on how to ensure product compliance.

        You will need to arrange testing, if you want to verify compliance. You will also need these test reports to support the DoC.

    3. CA at 1:07 am

      What is the difference between EN 71-3 vs. EN 71-9?

      1. Fredrik Gronkvist at 11:13 am

        Hello Calene,

        I think they cover different types of substances.

    4. Mandy at 8:12 pm

      Hi we sell Fabric Dyes – what do we do about testing for EN71 compliance?

      1. Marcus Tidmarsh at 3:10 am

        Hi, I intend to produce a card text based game which consists of printed paper only, would this need to be tested?

    5. Ateeq at 11:46 pm

      We need GSO EN 71-6: 2009 Safety of toys – Part 6: Graphical Symbols for age warning
      what’s the process for this, please

    6. Deepak Gupta at 2:31 pm

      Hi Fredrik,
      What class of EN71 will be applicable on toy appealing cushion for the children above age 3.
      cushion has no sharp edges to loose detachable part. also ‘ it mentioned on care label that this cushion is not a toy.

      1. Fredrik Gronkvist at 4:12 pm

        Hi Deepak,

        We cannot provide standards assessments in the comment section. You need to ask a lab.

      2. S Dhar at 10:53 am

        We are setting up a factory in Lucknow,. India.
        for manufacturing wooden toys and dolls from age group of 2 yrs to 6 yrs.
        Need certification of EN-71. and ASTM -17.
        What are your facility and your charges.

    7. Emma at 5:58 pm

      If a standard is updated, do I need to re-test the product?
      Ex.EN 71-1:2014 was updated to EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018

      1. Fredrik Gronkvist at 3:55 pm

        Hi Emma,

        I cannot say if you need to retest products that are already on the market, but you would need to retest future batches once the new version is valid.

    8. Ron German at 7:44 pm

      Hi, I’m trying to understand the use of glues in making children’s wooden toys. I currently use a pva glue but there doesn’t seem to be a particular standard for specific glues or at least, I can’t find one. I am aware of the EN71 standards but no where can I find any mention of glue.

      Do you know if glues are tested separately or are they ignored in the testing procedure?


      1. Fredrik Gronkvist at 12:12 pm

        Hi Ron,

        I doubt glue is ignored. I can imagine that the substance restrictions in EN 71 (Part 3?) and REACH restrics chemicals in glue.

    9. Sergio Suarez at 6:17 am

      Hi Niki,
      We produce children’s books in China. They are classified as toys, because they have some removable pieces in cardboard. They are marked as 36 months and older, and we passed all the EN71 tests, ever.
      The same format of books come with different printing. The same client that bought the same format from the same factory, is asking us for new tests for every batch. Is that necessary?
      Is there a due date for tests?

    10. Niki at 8:36 pm

      Hi Fredrik, there is a limitation on which laboratories could perform EN71 tests?
      For example a laboratory on a university that has the equipment and the know how to do the EN71 tests but it’s not certified exclusively for EN71, can give valid tests that could be used for CE?
      Is there a specific list of laboratories?

      1. Fredrik Gronkvist at 11:46 am

        Hi Niki,

        I have no idea if that’s allowed or not, or what market surveillance authorities may think about such testing practices.

    11. Griet at 11:00 am

      How long is a testreport valid? Where can I find this?

      1. Ivan Malloci at 3:41 am

        Hi Griet, usually such information is written in the certificate

      2. Fredrik Gronkvist at 9:24 am

        Hi Griet,

        Test reports often don’t have a validity date, only an issuing date.

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